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Classes for Young Yogis

Yoga For Kids (8 to 12 years)

The kids classes are centered around concentration as well as endurance. In this well-being yoga and meditation class, kids will learn, how to meditate, poses (asanas), sun salutations, deep relaxation, eye exercises, breathing exercises (pranayama), healthy lifestyles, and much more with fun! Class will be focused on breathing to make their lungs and immunity strong. Recommended for ages 8+ years and up. 

  • Saturdays 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Mondays 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm
  • Thursdays 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm
  • Location: Near Fairland Park, Pleasanton

Yoga For Teens (13 to 19 years)

In this well-being yoga, and meditation class, kids will learn, how to meditate, poses (asanas), sun salutations, deep relaxation, eye exercises, breathing exercises (pranayama) along with some theory behind yoga. Class will be focused on breathing to increase awareness and boost their immunity. Recommended for ages 14+ years and up. 

  • Sundays 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm 
  • Location: Near Fairland Park, Pleasanton

Why should you start Yoga at an early age

You’ve probably heard that yoga classes help kids learn how to ease stress and manage their emotions in an interactive and mindful way. Our mindfulness-based curriculum is designed to help youth/children become more aware of their inner world and how feelings and thoughts interact, resulting in different ways of communicating. We help children learn how to pause and observe their emotional states, thought processes, and physical sensations in a calm and nonjudgmental manner before interacting and making choices.

We encourage kids to practice mindfulness in a variety of different situations. Whether they are feeling happy or stressed, whether they’re enjoying quiet time in nature or are engaged in a competitive game with others. 

We help children see that every child’s body does yoga differently because  each person is wonderfully unique! This approach empowers every child to gradually achieve appreciation for what their body can do and helps them develop thoughts and emotions that  support, rather than hinder, their yoga-bilities. What a child learns about themselves, and others carries -over from the yoga mat to other areas of their life. Stress management tools and techniques we integrate into our program, gives kids powerful tools they can use any time to effectively manage their emotions and interactions. 

Benefits of Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids

The research on the benefits of yoga and mindfulness for kids shows:

  • Enhanced awareness of their body, how it moves, and how it experiences emotions
  • Greater ease connecting to other people and to their surroundings
  • Enhanced emotional intelligence and resilience.
  • Better ability to focus and to self-regulate behavior and emotions
  • Improved confidence with physical skills such as balance, coordination, agility
  • The ability to experience relaxation and learn how to enter this state of being in other settings such as at school, at home, and in peer groups. 

Group Yoga Class Policies

  • Classes are subject to change of instructor, format, time or cancellation. Classes with two or fewer participants will be cancelled. Classes averaging less than five participants may be subject to re-scheduling.
  • A registration and mandatory liability waiver is required before starting in any class.
  • Classes begin promptly on time. Please arrive five minutes prior to the start of class. If you are late to the class, please be very quiet and not disturb others.
  • Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. Shoes of any kind are not allowed, but you may wear slip resistant socks.
  • Please notify the instructor of any injuries or medical conditions that you may be experiencing.
  • For safety and respectfulness, cell phone use is prohibited during class.
  • Please let your instructor know if you are not able to join the class.
  • If classes are active and you are absent, you still need to pay if you are committed for that class. Make-up classes are another option, so talk to the instructor.
  • If you are going for an extended vacation (more than 2 weeks), please let your instructor know ahead of time through an email or text, not verbally. They might be able to give you credits for the missed classes.
  • 2 weeks advance written notice via email is required if you would like to discontinue.