Every condition is different and requires unique attention from a yoga instructor. Yoga is exhaustive and without proper guidance you could potentially hurt yourself.
Begin by targeting specific muscle groups with sequences of simple practices tailored to your condition, and over a period of time graduate into advanced ones.
Practice regularly according to advised home sessions. Consult a yoga instructor to set aside time for your own mind and body while maintaining your daily priorities.
About yogamaze
Healthy Body is Healthy Mind
yogamaze is founded on the belief that the human mind and human body are healthiest when they are in harmony with each other and nature. Through classes, study, events and workshops, we apply the experience of yoga, lifestyle changes, and other practices to help in the prevention and healing of common ailments and diseases in adults and children.
yogamaze is partnered with Yoga Bharati, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization aimed to spread health, happiness, and peace through a holistic integrated approach of yoga
"She is truly committed to my physical and mental health. Her class sizes are small, her prices are reasonable and she pays 1:1 attention. As young busy moms we often forget to take care of our bodies and we forget that we can take better care of our children if we are healthy and strong!"